Amber-colored cloudberries, also known as bake-apple berries, yellow berries, and mountain berries, are too tart to eat by themselves but make excellent...
We tweaked a favorite ice cream flavor from way back to make a treat for all ages. The exceptionally moist cream-cheese pound cake gets split and filled...
A true showstopper, this vanilla-bean Bundt cake gets the chocolate treatment inside and out. Cutting into the cake reveals its rich cheesecake-like chocolate...
This sweet-sour glaze is great on grilled shrimp, turkey, beef, chicken, and pork, as well as salmon. When grilling, brush glaze on all sides 2 minutes...
Forgo the traditional frying -- and mixing up the batter! -- for this Latin American treat. Instead, bake store-bought puff pastry for churros that are...
Classic sorbet calls for a simple juice-to-sugar ratio that you can customize to fit your ingredients, your menu, and your fancy. Use this grapefruit sorbet...
The rich texture and slight tartness of creme fraiche is an ideal foil for tender (but not overly soft) peaches in this streusel-topped pie. As it cooks,...
This twist on a diner classic features a chocolate crust. Coconut stars in the crust, filling, and topping. Toasting the coconut topping gives it a rich,...
Lemon four ways amps up these sour-cream pound cakes: zest goes into the batter, and the loaves are finished with lemon syrup, glaze, and candied pieces...
This rich dessert is an impressive way to end a dinner party. Jars are a fun way to tote and serve the mousse, but you can use custard cups, ramekins,...
You can try any combination of dried fruits and nuts to make delicious variations of this cookie. Bananas, mangoes, and macadamias lend a tropical note;...
Shredded coconut is folded into a silky coconut-milk custard for the filling of this indulgent pie, then the whole thing is finished with whipped cream...
This holiday beauty proves just how delicious special-diet desserts can taste. The pate brisee for this pie is made with safflower oil, not butter, so...
At a traditional German Christmas table, stollen is likely to appear as a beloved part of breakfast or as a conclusion to the holiday meal. A stollen begins...
A dairy-free dump and whisk batter means this Bundt is extra easy to make. Plus the olive-oil and whipped egg whites give it a light, fluffy texture reminiscent...
This colorful, whimsical vanilla cake has sprinkles inside and out, and just may be the ultimate birthday cake. This recipe is adapted from the book, "Baked...
An exuberant twist ofmeringue nearly escapes the pull of gravityin this light confection. Its layers include crunchy meringue, smoothlemon curd, frothy...
This haunted house's towering cookie facade, candy details, and golden caramel windows are guaranteed to become the stuff of legend-that is, should anyone...
This creamy frosting is made with just two ingredients and can be whipped up in minutes. Spread it on our Frosted Chocolate-Buttermilk Cupcakes or between...
The crust is flakiest when served the day it's made, but the pie can be tented with foil and stored at room temperature overnight, or in the refrigerator...
This recipe features a silky whipped-cream filling that's whisked with caramel, then rolled up in a genoise cake that's been brushed with bourbon-chocolate...